Sunday, May 30, 2010

11 Steps To Follow In Order To Obtain A New Job.

The necessary steps to find a new job.

The Preliminary Question.

The starting question is: "Will I still be working or do I want to stop working?" If you answer “I’d like to work" then the searching process just started.

First Step: what, when, where, why?

If you do not know what you like to obtain then it becomes very hard to find what you’re looking for. Why? Because you don’t know what you’re looking for! How can you start searching? You cannot.

One has to find answers to the following questions:
What kind of a job or function do I like to perform?
What are my capabilities or skills or "know hows"?
What are my interests?
What are my values that I like to take into account?
What kind of organization do you want to work for?
Where do I like to work? In my region, country or abroad?

Step 2: Consider to follow courses.

Make a list of work-related skills you'd like to learn. Think about which skills will make you more competent in the position you're applying for.

Public speaking, project management, team leading, and computer programs are usually beneficial.

In an interview, tell the employer what you're reading and learning, and that you'd like to continue doing so.

Step 3: Write your letters.

Only after you decided in which direction you like to evolve, will you be able to write a resume which is focused on the job and the sector. Your job target must be clear and concrete (leaving no trace of doubt in the mind of the reader). It must specifically link your qualifications to the hiring criteria for the jobs you are applying for.

Secondly you have to be able to write a cover letter enabling to arouse the attention of the recruiter.

Both letters should be of such a level that they trigger a reaction from the reader: an interview request.

Step 4: Where to look and search?

What are the interesting job sites? Where can I find (executive) search and selection companies? Where are the “temp agencies”? Which search engines will I use? Where are the companies with vacancies?

Check job search engine sites, job banks, company web sites, networking sites, niche job sites, and sites listed by type of job and region. Consider working with a recruiter or outplacement consultant or career management consultant to maximize your opportunities.

Use the job search engines to find jobs by using keywords that match your interests and the location where you want to work. Narrowing your search criteria will help you focus your job search and will give you more relevant job listings to review and less non-relevant job listings to weed through.

Step 5: Build Your Brand.

Which job sites or websites are well-known and often used by recruiters and employers? There you have to create your profile in order to be found by those who are looking for valuable candidates.

Create profiles on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Visual CV, just to name a few.

A strong personal brand that portrays you in a professional light will provide recruiters, employers, and contacts with a strong positive impression of you as a candidate they should be interested in.

Step 6: Connect with your contacts.

Now that you've created profiles on networking sites (such as Linkedin, Xing, Plaxo, Facebook, etc…)  use them intensively.

Get in touch with everyone you know, because you never know which contact may be able to help you with your job search or put you in touch with someone who can.

“Tell friends and family that you are job-hunting”.

Step 7: Unsolicited Applications.

Do you have a list of companies you would like to work for? Why not building a list of companies you’re interested in according to: region, sector, products or services they deliver.

It's a very good idea to research companies and create a list of companies to target in your job search.  Find detailed information about potential employers online.

Use this list (and maybe also simultaneously your connections).

Step 8: Interview Preparations.

Obtain information concerning the company, CEO, products, services, organigram, …

What’s your labor market value (in terms of salary)?

Do you have connections you can contact to in order to be introduced by “acquaintances”?

What will be your answers to the questions of the recruiter? Practice answering and asking interview questions (role play with or without tape)

What do you have as questions in order to obtain every information during the interview?

Step 9: The Interview.

Are you able to talk yourself to a signed contract?
Sell Yourself !
Dress appropriately and make a cooperative effort to impress the interviewer with your skills, experiences, confidence, and expertise.
Negotiate !

Step 10: Inform everybody afterwards.

After an interview you just have to inform everybody with whom you had contact concerning this job opportunity: your connections, the recruiter, …

Give feedback, definitely to your connections since it is in itself the reward of their involvement.

Thank everybody you met with.

Repeat your interest in the position and remind the recruiter why you're an excellent candidate for the job.

Step 11: Evaluate a Job Offer.

When you receive a job offer, it's important to take the time to carefully evaluate the offer so you are making an educated decision to accept or to reject, the offer.

You don't have to accept a job just because it was offered to you, but do carefully evaluate it and if you decline, do so politely.

Every ‘no’ is one closer to a ‘yes’. If you are rejected, phone the recruiter for feedback and take it on board.

This is of course an iterative process. One has to go back to step 3.

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