Sunday, October 17, 2010

Body languages to avoid during job interviews.

A picture paints more than a thousand words. Therefore it's better to use your body properly in order to give signals accordingly.

You say to your boss that your new job is a piece of cake. Is that really so? Does your body language say something completely different?

Former FBI-agent Joe Navarro trusted heavily on body language during his interrogations. In his book "Louder than words", he explains about some body attitudes.

You keep your head a little askew.
This is one of the most inviting poses. It shows that you're comfortable and are willing to listen to others.

You put your hands in your neck and leans back.
You're in control and feeling dominant towards your colleagues. Unless you're really in charge, this may seem negative.

You let your thumbs pointing up.
This gives a positive impression. It reflects confidence.

You place your fingertips together.
You know what you're doing. Doubts are therefore hard to find. Instead you're focused and exudes confidence.

You touch your neck or throat.
You indicate that you feel insecure. You are not at ease and that makes you worry.

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