Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How unhealthy is your workplace?

Office islands are no good. They harm health and the productivity of employees.

Open workspaces cause stress symptoms by excessive noise, the lack of privacy and constant distraction. A research of the University College of London obtained these results stemming from 20,000 British employees.

Productivity drops even fifth and could in some cases
lead to a productivity loss of one full workday per week.

Some notable findings:

  1. 33 percent of the employees get enough daylight
  2. 56 percent complain of a lack of privacy
  3. 55 percent think the temperature is not comfortable
  4. 60 percent said they never had a quiet place
The researchers compare the large modern premises with chickens in a factory farm. But unlike with chickens these circumstances do not lead to more efficiency. On the contrary.

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